2019年10月16-18日 中国·上海
Oct.16th-18th,2019 丨 Shanghai, China

The China Supply Chain Executive Summit(CSCES 2019)serves as an annual platform to exchange ideas and collaborate on the impact of market dynamics and new technologies for current and future supply chain & operations leaders. CSCES 2019 organized by Conways Asia, will be held in Shanghai, China during Oct.16th-18th, 2019 and supported by influential and authoritative associations, media and governments. And now after yearly and successfully held, the CSCES series summits have already been the landmark for supply chain area in Asia.

CSCES as the most influential Supply chain gala with a global perspective, in-depth discussion of the domestic and international Supply chain trends and issues. More than 600 Supply Chain, Logistic, Channel heads from different industries, such as Pharmaceutical, FMCG, Electronics, E-commerce, Internet, artificial intelligence, big data, aerospace, etc. will gather for the superb opportunity for conversation, collaboration, and networking.

Participating Enterprises, Government and Associations

Unilever, BOE, Nokia, Alibaba, Sinopharm Group, OFO, Boeing, Jumei.com, China Huaneng Group, Yanjing Beer, BMW, Yili Group, 3M, Nike, COFCO, Jointown Pharmaceutical, Intel, Michelin,Lining, Coca-Cola, Shell, Procter & Gamble, FOTON, L'Oreal, Samsung,WuXi AppTec, PepsiCo, H & M, Tsinghua Tonngfanng Co, Master Kong, Wangfujing Group, Cisco, China tobacco,Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine, Kimberly-Clark, Mars, Starbucks, BYD, Mindray ,Dior, JD.com, Sino Biopharm , Tsingtao Brewery, Xiaomi, HP, BASF, Richemont, Nestle, Haier, Stanley Paterson, Vestas,Estee Lauder, Shijiazhuang Pharma Group ,Sinopec, Adidas, Mengniu, Inditex, GE, McDonald's, JCC, CR Pharmaceutical Group ,Swatch Group, Apple, Giant Tire, Gree, Family Mart, Tong Ren Tang,Chanel, ZTE, Vipshop, Schneider Electric, China Metallurgical Group, Fosun Pharmaceutical ,Huawei, Toyota, Kangmei Pharmaceutical ,Rosen, Amazon, Shuanghui Group, Bailian, Laiyifen, GAP, Shanghai Pharmaceutical, Wal-Mart, Johnson & Johnson, Lenovo, Suning, CNPC, Philips, Midea, Masayoshi, Canon, Pfizer, GSK, Vanke Group, New Hope Liuhe, Ping An Bank, Ericsson, Foxconn, Mindray, China Resources Pharmaceutical group, Zoomlion...

“2019中国供应链高层峰会”(CSCES 2019)CSCES由Conways Asia主办,将于2019年10月16-18日中国-上海盛大开幕。为期3天的供应链高层峰会,届时也得到具有国际影响力及专业权威性的政府、协会、媒体等的联合支持。其中第一天为医药及医疗器械等行业专场,后两天是全行业峰会。



联合利华,京东方,阿里巴巴,诺基亚,国药,OFO,聚美优品,波音,中国华能集团, 燕京啤酒,华晨宝马,伊利集团,3M,耐克,中粮,迈瑞医疗,因特尔,米其林,李宁,可口可乐,壳牌,宝洁,药明康德,北汽福田,欧莱雅,三星,百事集团,H&M,清华同方,中国生物制药,康师傅集团,王府井百货,思科,九州通,中国烟草,高露洁-棕榄,金佰利,玛氏,星巴克,比亚迪,迪奥,京东商城,青岛啤酒,恒瑞医药,小米,惠普,巴斯夫,历峰集团,华润医药,雀巢,GE,海尔,史丹利百德,维斯塔斯,石药集团,雅诗兰黛,中石化,阿迪达斯,雅诗兰黛,蒙牛,Zara,麦当劳,江铜集团,斯沃琪集团,APPLE,佳通轮胎,格力,全家,香奈儿,中兴通讯,唯品会,施耐德电气,中国中冶集团,华为,丰田,康美药业,罗森,上海家化,同仁堂,亚马逊,双汇,益海嘉里,E-bay,百联,复星医药,来伊份,GAP,上海医药,沃尔玛,强生,联想,苏宁,中国石油,飞利浦,美的,正威,佳能,辉瑞,葛兰素史克,万科集团,新希望六和,平安银行,爱立信,富士康,迈瑞,华润医药,中联重科……

China Supply Chain Executive Summit 2019 All copyright © 2013-2033 Conways Limited. All rights reserved