
峰会背景/what can we do

The China Supply Chain Executive Summit (CSCES) serves as an annual platform to exchange ideas and collaborate on the impact of market dynamics and new technologies for current and future supply chain & operations leaders.

第十届“中国供应链高层峰会2024”(CSCES2024)由Conways Asia主办,将于2024年在上海举办。为期两天的供应链高层峰会,届时也得到具有国际影响力及专业权威性的政府、协会、媒体等的联合支持。CSCES作为国内针对管理层的供应链盛会,视野定位全球,对接国内外环境,注重实操话题的深入探讨, 是年度性的供应链交流平台,为现在和未来供应链的运营领导者们提供市场动态和新技术的影响交流的盛会。包括行业有:医药、医疗器械、汽车、金融、航天航空、快销品、食品、电子、人工智能、大数据等等。


为何参会 / Why Attend

networking hours
CSCES insists on core supply chain management as the invited attendees to ensure the efficiency of on-site communication.
CSCES has set up an industry platfomm covering the whole world to jointly promote the healthy and orderly development of supply chain in China, even in Asia.
As one of the most influential supply chain summits in China, CSCES has a global perspective, connects with domestic and international environments.
Provide a grand summit for curent and future supply chain operation leaders to exchange market dynamics and the impact of new technologies.

发言人 / Speakers

赞助商 / Sponsors